LITTLE SHOP | HELPFUL KIDS, Happy Mom Chore System | Price $97
notice the LITTLE things

LITTLE SHOP | HELPFUL KIDS, Happy Mom Chore System | Price $97

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HELPFUL KIDS, Happy Mom Chore System

The HELPFUL KIDS, Happy Mom Chore System has everything you need to get your kids to offer more help, more often, with fewer reminders, and less complaining!

With pro-tips and real-life examples, this 4-step system will walk you through easy-to-follow action items with 25+ Printable Resources to make sure this is the Chore System that finally sticks for your family!

Here's what you can look forward to:

  • A printable copy of the complete HELPFUL KIDS, Happy Mom Chore System (that you can also read on your iPad or device if you prefer that over printing), which will walk you through 4 easy-to-follow steps so you'll know exactly what to do to create a chore routine that sticks & grows with your family.

  • 25+ printable resources to help you move through each step and easily personalize the HELPFUL KIDS, Happy Mom System for your family's unique needs.

  • Pro tips and real-life examples to support your success and make sure you have everything you need to make this System work for you.

"Still using our charts!! My kids love seeing what they need to do when I say it’s time for them to help with some chores. It’s definitely kept our house neater and more clean by getting into a routine." - Katie M. (HELPFUL KIDS, Happy Mom customer)