LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27
notice the LITTLE things

LITTLE SHOP | A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos | Ages 4-7 Pink Comic | Printable + Digital | Price $27

Regular price $19.00 Sale price $27.00 Unit price per

A Daily Dose of Gratitude for Kiddos

PINK COMIC | Ages 4-7

Printable and Digital Formats

Ready to get your 4-7 year olds in the habit of looking for the good...and make it fun?!


If you're a Mom on a mission to raise grateful kids, the ones who:

✓ Appreciate what they have, and complain less about what they don't!

✓ Get along well with siblings and friends, because they can see the good in others.

✓ Know how to make the best of things, even when it doesn't go their way...


Like any other skill, helping your kids choose gratitude (instead of complaining, arguing, or whining) just takes practice!

The printable + digital Daily Dose of Gratitude for KIDDOS is full of 30+ creatively designed pages to help your 4-7 year old(s) think about:

  • The people, objects, activities, and favorite parts of their day.
  • Things to be thankful for close to home AND in the larger community.
  • Kindnesses shown to them by others and ways they can do a grateful deed for someone else.
  • God's gifts and blessings in their day.

With the printable + digital Daily Dose of Gratitude for KIDDOS, you can relax knowing you have a reliable set of age-appropriate resources all in one place!

Make it easy for your kids to practice this important life skill!


  • Kids who can see how good they have it, with less complaining when things go wrong because they're reminded daily of the things that REALLY matter.
  • Siblings who recognize the positives in each other, their family, and their friends and use this to build each other up, solve problems, and cheer each other on.
  • Raising little humans with hearts focused on others instead of a "me, me, me" mentality.
  • A concrete way for your family to connect everyday blessings to God's unending goodness in their lives!

Join over 4,000 families using A Daily Dose of Gratitude to practice gratitude, focus on the good, and appreciate everyday blessings!


After using A Daily Dose of Gratitude, my girls are much more aware of the blessed life they are privileged to. They enjoy the prompt pages the most. If a friend asked if she should purchase these, I would say yes. Thank you for creating this wonderful resource.



I want you to be HAPPY with your Gratitude Journals and all the goodness included! If you have any questions or concerns after you purchase, please email and I will work with you to make sure you can get the most out of your new purchase!